Men are Strong

Men don’t Feel Pain

Men don’t Cry



Stigmatization of Men Mental Health
Some Facts

1. According to World Health Organization statistics 40 % of men don't speak about their mental health issue.

2. Men are more likely to commit suicide at a rate of 3.54 percent higher than women as per the study done by American Foundation For Suicide Prevention.

3. Around 6 million men suffer from depression each year.

4. Death rate related to drug abuse and alcoholism is 3 times more in men compared to women as per a study done by National Institute of Alcohol Abuse And Alcoholism.

What Has Stigmatized Men To Speak About Their Mental Health?

Society have burdened masculinity over mental healh

Boys are taught from their very childhood to be a “MAN”. “MEN” are not supposed to cry, feel pain and need to be physically and emotionally strong. This expectations prevent men from speaking about their mental health and to show their suffering.

Men feel they will appear weak and would embarrass themselves if they speak about their mental health.

Men go though a thought process that society won’t accept them and there would be no one to talk; to understand their problem.

40% of the men believe they can deal with depression by themselves and 36% of them don’t feel to burden anyone to take their help to solve their mental problems.

According to a survey majority men experience depression due to financial burden and work related stress.

When somebody is suffering from stress, anxiety and depression its negativity impact body and mind. Due to lack of proper diagnosis and refrainment from taking help; in most cases they are driven towards drugs and alcohol. Since men faces this stigma of masculinity they are driven towards substance abuse at a much higher rate than women.

We need to treat people with mental illness with love, care and empathy.

We need to realize mental illness is just a heath alignment like any other medical disease.

Not getting mental illness treated can lead to serious health issues.

It is a sign of a strong person to accept his mental health condition as any other medical alignment. Seeking medical help and getting it treated leads to healthy body and future.

Speaking up about mental health leads towards a healthy future.

Men Camouflage Their Mental illness by unhealthy behavioral Traits

Feeling low mood, depressed, sad, tired, lack of zest and sleep disorder are some common symptoms of mental illness.

But men adapt to very uncertain behavioral traits to hide their sign of mental illness. Thus diagnosis for symptoms become difficult.

Signs Or Symptoms Of Mental illness in Men.

1. They adapt to an escapist behavior by diverting more time in work, sports or exercise.

2. Constant migraine, digestive problems and body pain.

3. Drug and alcohol abuse.

4. Violent, short tempered, controlling or abusive behavior.

5. Taking risk on life such as risky driving or risky sports.

In Majority Of Cases Depression in Men Remains Undiagnosed

1. Since they mask their depression by unhealthy behavioral traits. Their mental illness remain undiagnosed. They simply downplay the signs and symptoms of mental illness.

2. They are reluctant to discuss their mental health with anyone.

3. They resist or don’t prefer to take medical help.

4. Eventually their mental health get worse triggering to suicidal tendencies.

Don’t Stop Yourself From Taking Help When needed

It is quite difficult for men to ask for help. But no mental illness should be left untreated. Because untreated mental health condition will spoil the physical health, relationship and future of individual.

Get help with Stress, Anxiety and Depression at Athena Health Care Services.

A talk therapy session and psychological consultation on Anxiety, Stress and Depression management can definetly help you to heal your minds in a better way.

Find solution at Athena Heath Care Services, speak to our experts

Athena Health care provide Talk therapy sessions to solve emotional problems by our professional experts at your own convenience. We offer live chat sessions, video session, audio session and follow up sessions. 

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