A person’s workplace is a crucial part of one’s life. It not just provide your source of livelihood but it’s a place where a person …
The Dark Side Of Glamour Industry: Mental illness Prevailing in The Glamour World
One common perception; People who are famous with MONEY, POWER And POSITION can’t suffer from “DEPRESSION””. We always dream to be famous and rich like …
Why Mental Health In India is Discriminated, Stereotyped And Prejudiced?
“According to World Health Organization Report India is the most depressed country in the world. It was revealed that 7.5 percent of the Indian population …
Stop The Stigma Debunk Common Myths Around Mental Health
Speaking about mental health was not easy decades ago. In present time we have some exposure towards the term mental illness but still we are …
Let’s Put An End To Mental Health Discrimination. Say No To Suicide
Suicide is a lethal global issue categorized under Mental illness. As per World Health Organization statistics every 40 second a person is perpetrating towards suicide. …