The beget of COVID 19 last year has not just, affected the world economically but it has taken a greater toll upon the mental health. Death toll, loss of loved ones, job loss, financial distress, impact on business, social distancing and self isolation has adversely affected mental health of individual.
According to WHO statistics, depression symptoms are 3X higher during the COVID-19 lockdown. It has triggered a traumatic event on a greater scale. The impact of COVID 19 distress is not just among COVID 19 patients but also among healthy individuals; fearing from the disease, increasing anxiety level eventually leading to depression.
How To Recognise Symptoms For COVID 19 Blues…
We are instructed repeatedly by government to recognise Symptoms of COVID 19 and seek medical help accordingly. BUT WHAT ABOUT MENTAL HEALTH??? UNFORTUNATELY VERY LESS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED TO DEAL WITH COVID 19 BLUES……
During lockdown we all were self isolated and that is the time you felt social cut off and loneliness. You might not feel like yourself and possibly that is the first sign of COVID 19 Blues.
Other common symptoms include:
- You start feeling hopelessness, sad, empty from within and feel like crying
- feelings of restlessness and experience anxiety
- Unnecessary feeling of guilt start to engulf you
- You start to experience anger or irritability frequently.
- You don’t enjoy things anymore which you used to like once upon time.
- Social isolation becomes one of your prominent characteristics and you start avoiding talking to friends and family
- Distorted sleep cycle. Either you sleep too much or experience sleep regression.
- Suicidal thoughts brush across your mind
- Irregular changes in appetite or weight (more or less)
Social isolation and self restrictions can be harmful to individuals. One needs to identify for how much time the symptoms of COVID 19 lasts. If the feeling of depression and anxiety has started affecting day to day life such as normal roles, family life and work then that might be sign of something serious.
Being in depression doesn’t mean you cannot feel moment of happiness. People who’ve experienced clinical depression in the past are more likely to experience it in the future. So recognising signs becomes very important for you or your loved ones.

Understanding Mental Health During COVID 19.
1.Isolation and loneliness can trigger depression. Since human find their emotional support in their family and friends getting cutoff from their hamper their mental well-being.

2.A toxic relationship may be even worse than loneliness. If a strong relationship can be one’s support system, in the other hand an abusive relationship can be affect mental health. During lockdown people were forced to spend months quarantined in a unhappy, troubled,toxic or abusive relationship lead to damaging mood of individual.
3.Anxiety can lead to depression. Constantly watching news during pandemic. Effect of pandemic on people’s health. Death toll, hospitalization due the virus, concerns about self health and health of loved ones leads to anxiety.
4.Stress level soaring up: Due to unemployment, financial loss, isolation, difficulty in relationship, diversion towards alcohol and junk food to compensate with boredom. As a result of this pandemic, you may be experiencing several of these major stressors at once, making you more vulnerable to depression.

5. Those who actually suffered from the illness had worst effect on their mental health. They not only suffered from the pain of the disease but faced isolation from society.
6. The frontline workers such as doctors, health workers and police were worst affected on their mental health. Not only they were prone to the disease but had to isolate themselves from their family fearing of infection.

What Needs To Be Done To With Stand This Mental Pressure
1. Distract yourself from the problems such as financial, job etc , rather Focus on something that adds meaning to your life and purpose of life.
2. Find joy in small things or activities that make you happy.
3. Donot expose yourself so much to news or social media. Limit yourself to reputable sources.
4.Maintain a daily life routine such as eating healthy, living healthy lifestyle and exercise.
5. Express gratitude to good people around you and your environmental.
6. Evolve new ways to connect with your loved ones, such as over internet and phone. Express yourself, move beyond small talk, don’t get judgemental about your mental health or any body else mental health.
7. Get moving, practice breathing exercises, keep calm and establish healthy habits. Practice good sleeping habits, eat a mood boosting diet and most importantly use reminder to keep yourself on track.
Is Emotion Well-being troubling You?Get help with Stress, Anxiety, suicidal thoughts and Depression at Athena Health Care Services.
A talk therapy session and psychological consultation on Anxiety, Stress and Depression management can definetly help you to heal your minds in a better way.
Find solution at Athena Heath Care Services, speak to our experts
Athena Health care provide Talk therapy sessions to solve emotional problems by our professional experts at your own convenience. We offer live chat sessions, video session, audio session and follow up sessions.
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