Relationship most often defined as Family relations and relatives. Also as Interpersonal relationship, a strong bond , or close association or acquaintance between two or more people which we build with our friends, neighbors and place of work.

There are many different types of relationships out of which four types of relationships are given top priority such Family relationships, Friendships, Acquaintanceships andRomantic relationships.
There are 10 major factors to build in good relationship
1. Self love: This self-love is one of the most significant things in a relationship. Without adoring yourself first, how might you share your love with someone else? 
Self-love involves being thoughtful and excusing to yourself. As opposed to the standard thing, you ought not quit any pretense of everything for your accomplice. Spare some for yourself. Additionally, let go of the overabundance stuff. Excuse yourself from any bad behavior before. Since most likely, a relationship keeps going when the two gatherings love their selves first.
2. Respect: Respect is a give and take thing you need to respect others and their preference for a healthy relationship.
3. Comfortable pace: both the individual should be comfortable with each other and enjoy each other company
4. Trust: Trust of not being betrayed or discord is most important thing in a relationship.
5. Honesty: one should be truthful in expressing views without fearing about other person reaction.
6.Independence: Being over protective is bad, every individual should have their own space.
7. Equality: very important to maintain balance in a relationship.
8. Kindness: giving empathy,support and Care builds the foundation of a strong relationship.
9. Responsibility: being responsible and owing your action and words make up a healthy relationship.
10. Discussing issue: Interaction is the key of healthy relationship. Discussing conflicts in a healthy way actually solve conflicts.

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